
What's happening?

The email comes in, the phone rings and what is the news on the other end? What are they going to say? Is the paper work done? Did the right people call the other right people and get the info there in time?

I talked to the agency today and we are going to China!!!

So here are the "specifics". We are going to China, and the paperwork is not completed. We are traveling and the paperwork will be done when we are either traveling or when we are there. If we wait until we have final papers then we may not have time to go. The agency said that there is always a possibility of not getting our son but they are confident that this will happen. They are 3 for 3 in situations like this and they feel like this has a better possibility of going through than they have on some of the others.

So what does that all mean? We are going out on faith- as the entire process has been- and if God wants it to happen it will. We haven't had any guarantees to this point and there are still none.

So what can you all be praying for?
1. Paperwork to get into the right hands and back out of those hands into the next.
2. Travel would be affordable at this late hour.
3. We would walk by faith and trust that God is sovereign.
4. "Vince's" heart to be tender to the Gospel.
5. Our hearts would be tender toward each other and the Lord's leading.
6. Our pots would be full of grace, as traveling is both exhausting and frustrating.
7. Funds for the trip and all the associated costs that are coming up.
8. Wisdom to know what to try to include and exclude on the trip.
9. Snow retreat without us:( First time in 10-ish years.
10. Did I mention that our hearts would be tender and our pots full of grace?

Thanks for all your prayers and please don't stop now. There is still a lot of things that need to take place.
I did ask the agency if he knows he is this close to being adopted and they are not sure. I also asked if he knows he will age out and they thought he probably did know that. I really can't imagine what must be going through his mind right now.


  1. This is awesome Chuck & Teresa!

    We will be praying for all that you asked prayer for. May the Lord bless you both as you go in faith and trust Him through this time.

    Lean on Christ. He knows best in this situation. He tells us that all things work for good to those that love Him. That tells us God has the best for both of you. We will be excited to hear more as the details come in.

    We love you,
    The Halls

  2. I am just jumping up and down for you - let me know if i can help in any way other than just PRAYING.... I know Diana will make it happen, there have been many that have been in your shoes in the past 6 wks and are all coming home with their kids...
    I too can't imagine what is going on in Vince's head - but in weeks you will start to know and a new journey will begin and this boy will finally have a family - a godly family PRAISING GOD
    Lavonne and the Dideon clan

  3. Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you all!

  4. HOORAY!!! We are so thrilled to read this update and find that you are on your way!!!
    Caceres family
