

This is not necessarily- ok not at all- about this adoption process, but it has happened on this trip.

As many of you know Kimmy is getting married in June and I have been thinking quite a bit about both the day and the process- as we have looked at things related to the wedding and purchased a few things for the day/people.

When I return I think I am going to start a blog about what is going on in this process from a dad's point of view. I'm sure there are many moms and brides who have blogged about what is going on in their minds in this process.

On the plane ride here I was thinking a lot about the music. What a day to look forward to.


  1. That's one of the things I appreciate about you, Chuck - many dads are private or don't 'care' about the detail/planning stuff, but you do! I think that's awesome. For as much as I love Canon in D, Andy and I wanted all our music to be 'church music.' It's such a weighty day - and an honor! - to glorify our God in *everything.*

  2. Can't wait to get John back to Wathington Thate!

  3. What a day that will be!!! I will be looking forward to that blog. Brian has been gone to boot camp for a week and reading your blog reminds me of how he must feel. Separated from a family, church and loving friends. I am praying that he would dwell richly on the strength of the Holy Spirit and not just get through this time but grow closer to God then ever before. I will be praying the same for you. Enjoy your time. Saturday is coming!!! Kim

  4. Drew, T laughed hard at that.

    Leila, Weighty and celebratory in deed. Can it be both? We'll think and plan toward that end.

    Kim, If Brian has internet that is way more than we had when I was in-which is good. He must dwell close to Christ in this early stage of his service as there will be many who will try to trip him up. If he states, right up front, his convictions then others may back off a bit and just treat him as strange- but that's ok since were are strangers.

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  6. Chuck! How can you possibly start another blog? I think you may actually write more stuff than Doug Wilson and NT Wright combined. That's quite an accomplishment.

    But I'll totally read it if you do. :)
