
Strange People- we are

Walking down the street in Beijing-probably anywhere in China, for that matter- 2 American's with one pretty short, CLP, older boy brings some attention. The Chinese don't just look over and go back, they don't even just stare for a bit, they stare and then stare some more. In fact at times I am not sure they are not going to fall over since they are not watching where they are walking because they are looking at us. I actually think they are looking directly at John. Why is that?

There are many adoptions taking place as we visit tourist destinations. Yesterday, at the Forbidden City, we saw the family from Colorado again. What are the chances of us seeing the same 3 people in Tianjin and in Beijing amid the hundreds of thousands of people we are around? I think God will arrange for us to see them in Guangzhou as well- we'll see if I am right.

Why is John getting so much attention? Is this the same reason he is reluctant to speak to so many of the Chinese? He is Chinese, like they are, he is visibly normal in every way, except for a scar under his nose- so why all the stares?

Yesterday, again walking down the street, this nice looking young man- 20-ish, was coming toward us and just stared all the way past John- I wanted to put my hand in from of his face and say, "Hey- look at me. I'm the strange one". I restrained myself.

I immediately thought about our Father who adopts us into His family and then people look strangely at His children, persecute them and even sometimes kill them. How He must want to put out His hand and say, "I could smash you like a bug for treating my kid like that", but He restrains His anger. He allows His children to go through these types of trials for their good and His glory. He will not always hold back His anger. Someday- and maybe soon- He will right all wrongs and bring His "scarred" children to His perfect presence and there will be no more stares- except at the Lamb.

One day we will be able to throw off our sinful, scarred tents and will put on our royal clothes- clothes befitting the children of royalty. There will be a time when, with our "adoption papers" in hand we will take the ride of our lives and arrive at out Heavenly home- what a day that will be.

But what about what happens between now and then? What is our job? As adopted children of royalty, what does our ambassadorship require? Isn't it heralding for the King of kings? Isn't it telling others about the "not forbidden city", where everyone is welcome to come as long as they have surrendered to the King? What a glorious job- heralding. We don't have our own message and we are taken care of by the King. Simple job- when we believe the message.


  1. Thank you Chuck! This post is one of my all time favorites. What a day that will be when we arrive - adoption papers in hand! You might be interested in knowing,tonight while I am making dinner my little ones are playing "adoption." Apparently AG is adopting AC from India. Hmmmm. We missed you at church on Sunday. Kimmy stepped in and gave the boys a good head rubbing. Also, I noticed that JD is leaning in when you three pose for a picture. So cool! jv

  2. Hi Chuck. We got so many stares and even people taking pictures of us when we were there. Some people came up to our translator and asked him who we were and what we were doing with Ben. After they found out they said, "Lucky baby". Our translator said the Chinese think Americans are rich. Another tour guide told us that not too many Chinese know that there are so many orphans there. I thought that was strange. You will really like Guangzhou. Save money for the shopping. :) The whole place is filled with adoptive families. It feels a little more like home there. :)
