

We are supposed to leave the hotel at 8:20, travel a short distance to the orphanage and meet "Vince". Apparently after we meet him we will go do some paperwork and from then on he is with us. Wow, what a transition.

We found out yesterday that the travel approval- TA-is in and so Sara booked our consulate visit for the 2nd- which means we should get to fly home no later than the 6th. We are always asking if it can be done faster but that doesn't seem like it is going to happen so we are just trying to go with the flow. Mary will try to help us decide if we should stay here over the weekend or go back to BJ. I think we are leaning to BJ- as there is more to do there.

I looked out onto the busy street below us and there is not one car on the street at times. Apparently the locals all work at about the same time. It looks really strange.


  1. Awesome!!! The once in a lifetime moment is HERE!! Eager for photos!
    All the R's

  2. That's so cool!!! I wish they could expedite it so Vince, I mean Hudson :), could experience a intense baptism into the Weinberg Fam at the snow retreat! :) Can't wait till you can post pictures!

  3. Please pray right now as T is pretty nervous. I told her this is the best moment of his life but she is a girl and???? Well you know how that is.

  4. I'm nervous and I'm not even getting a teenager!!! I was nervous before meeting each brand new baby that God gave us, so I'm pretty sure I'd be nervous too. I'm already nervous about who we're going to adopt! What if they hate us, what if it's weird, what if, what if. Hang in there, Teresa! God will give you the love you need when you need it! We love all of you!

  5. God is always faithful to provided when we NEED not when we want. His provision always is in perfect timming. We are praying foe u guys.

  6. So excited! I check the blog multiple times a night just to get updated! It is 1pm China time on the 21st. I will be praying RIGHT NOW as you are with him RIGHT NOW that Teresa's nerves are calmed down enough to enjoy this moment!!
