
Outside Help??

I was lying in bed this morning and thinking about a few things concerning where we are in the process. I am not really worried about any of these things, though there is certainly enough unknowns to help me realize once again my utter dependence on my Heavenly Father.

I have made some contacts with some people, one of which is Paull Shin, whom I have already mentioned on the blog. I have also initiated contact with both Patty Murray and former governor Gary Locke. Patty Murray is currently in China and Gary Locke and his wife both have Chinese ancestry. Why I am mentioning this? Though these people have some political connections I am concerned that if I push to open the lines of communication too hard that if they get something done then the spotlight of the story would go on them rather than God getting this done.

Can you picture the news story now? Senator, former governor makes adoption of Chinese boy possible. This is God's story and I don't want any of the credit to go to anyone else. So unless God makes it plain to me this is how I think it should go.

These people get emails from so many people every day that sending an email is like throwing a needle into a hay stack to be found. I have sent emails to them and have not heard back from their offices, and up until now it really has not been necessary for them to get the email. I am going to send another email with where we are in the process and let God answer the emails by having them actually get to the desk and eyes of the people He wants them to get to. If He doesn't want to share the lead role in this story then He will not let them see it. I think calling their office is too proactive on my part. He started this, literally from day one, and He can finish it by Himself if this is His desire. So please pray to those ends.

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