

I just found out our Travel Approval has come in- this is what we have been waiting for. thanks for praying.

Sitting at breakfast- eating pickled ginger, which wasn't there yesterday, a very nice beef steak, some sauteed vegetables, more steamed rice- Teresa and I were talking about how much different the end of today will be from the beginning. I'm not nervous but it should prove to be interesting.

One of the things we have not decided is what to name him. Some of the names on the docket are Hudson- for Hudson Taylor, John- God is Gracious, Moses- returning to get his people and Timothy- young disciple and my middle name. From here on we are up for suggestions.

We were also talking about what God has in mind for our family. Where will He takes us from here? Will He takes us anywhere or are we supposed to stay where we are, doing exactly what we're doing and help others adopt? What will our new son do and be like? How will us adopting him effect the other kids in our family and in 128? Will he teach some Chinese and thus enable them to go to China as missionaries? So many questions we have not even the slightest answer to- but isn't that how our lives always are? We don't know what is coming tomorrow so we had better do what we're doing today with all we have- thanks Garrett:)

We are just waiting for our guide to call and we will be on our way to pick up our new son. Ominous!!


  1. baby name suggestions from the Cecsarini's
    How about going with a "G" name like your boys?

  2. We 3 R ladies like Timothy John, for all the obvious reasons! He'd have a local godly man to emulate too!Lake Stevens already has a Hudson with young master Turnbull.

    Timothy John's wife who is still praying

  3. Here's some humor to lighten the ominous mood, lol.

    How about SEAN?! Just a variation (catholic, yes, but whatev) of John.


    Or how about Choni? That's awesome and means gracious.

    Just kidding!

    I have to say Hudson is great in general and great for this situation as well. Take it for what it's worth, less than 2 cents. :)

  4. I don't have any suggestions for you, but will tell you how we came up with our youngest's name. We named him Joseph Samuel. There was sooo much prayer on my part for a miracle baby, so Samuel became his name since "God had heard" I Samuel 1:20. Joseph means God will increase, which also seemed fitting as He is the one that increased our family and it is our prayer that God will increase in our family.
    I love that you want to give a name with some meaning for his life. I love all the choices you listed! Praying for you! Nadene
