
John's BD Wrap up

Yesterday was probably the most uneventful BD day John will ever have. We did go to church and that was really good, since there were many people there who spoke Chinese, in fact they even sang part of the songs in Chinese and we were in the English speaking service.

Before we walked into the service- we were early- I tried to find an Chinese speaking SS teacher or youth pastor and God led us to this very nice young lady who spoke to John, made him laugh just a little and was just very kind to him. We purchased a set of books in Chinese and English that tell the story of the Bible in very simple language. I think he can use this as a translation stepping stone. Learning English through Bible stories was how my grandma taught so many Japanese children about Jesus- maybe this will work on John too.

After church we went for a walk- we were a 20 minute taxi ride from the hotel, which cost $6 each way- and in our walking we came upon a very good Italian restaurant, next to a German bakery- we had good pizza for lunch and bought some breakfast rolls next door. John ate a lot after not eating too much breakfast. He ate plenty for dinner as well. At lunch T told me that she thinks the last year has probably been the best that we've had. After 30 years she said that she thought I was finally getting funny- I think she is just being nice on that one. After the "best year" comment I told her that I should try to arrange for a year like this last one every year, so she likes me more. She quickly told me that she was ready to have a "normal" year- whatever that looks like.

From there we walked to the Lufthansa center- which has a bunch of European shops- it really feels like Nordstrom. When we walked in T said, "This is your kind of shopping". Well, I did like the more western feel, but I didn't like the fact that there were neck ties- always looking- for $400UDS. I have never paid that, or even close to that, before. High prices always take the fun out of shopping for me, just about as much as low quality. We didn't purchase anything.

We caught the cab back and walked around here some more. We have been trying to find John some more clothes, since original equipment/standard issue is one change. He is a bit difficult to fit because he must be 4'8"-ish and he has a 27" waist. He reminds me of the guys on Oceans Eleven that gets in the box. When I can get the pictures on you will see that he makes T look like a giant. All his pants are about 6" too long. He is also hard to read in what he likes to wear, so that was a good exercise in telling us what he likes and dislikes. We might have made some progress, but we've a long way to go there as well. We found him a pair of pants he likes and took the ones T bought back in Washington and had them hemmed- for $1.50. I hope the hem stays at that price, but oh well, they are shorter.

We felt bad not really getting him a real present, but he is in that stage of not liking toys and not really an adult, made much more complex by the language barrier. I told T that even though he doesn't realize it yet, he has been given the best BD present we could ever give to him. Maybe someday he will figure it out.

We ate dinner at a restaurant of his choosing and I got to have some really sushi:) T thought I would get sick, but so far we have not even felt a little sick and we are 1/3 of the way done. It seems like we have been here at least 2 weeks already, so hopefully the balance goes more quickly.

We take the fast train to TJ today to start the passport paperwork, and they have told us that it can't be picked up until Friday. It really doesn't get us home any sooner if we can't have it before end of day tomorrow, so if we are waiting until Friday, were are still waiting until next Sat. to fly home. T is a home body and this is a long time to be away. Tomorrow we are scheduled to see the Great Wall and Wed. we are going to the forbidden city and a Chinese acrobat show- after that all our days are free.

Guangzhou is much warmer, though it does seem to be mid 30's here, so that is nicer than mid teens. It will be interesting to see who God brings to us to meet in this trip.

I would like to leave you with a very earthly prayer request. I went on line yesterday to check flights back to Seattle for John. We are on NW from Seattle to Narita and Narita to SEA. NW is in the middle of a transition to Delta and I am not able to even find our flight, which is booked, to see if it is full and if we can get John a seat at is reasonably priced. I didn't book his flight because I was not 100% sure when we would be returning. I would rather not spend $2-3k on a one way ticket for him. God has it under control, so I am not worried, but I'm not sure how to move forward from here. My internet connection is really slow here compared to previous hotels, so that makes it a little tougher.

Have a great Sunday worshipping. Don't miss out on the opportunity to worship in a place where the Word is taught and you can fellowship with your church family- we miss you all. Thanks for all your prayers, encouragement and comments.


  1. hi mr. and mrs. weinberg!!
    i have been really encouraged by your posts on here and im so excited to meet John! (tell him i say hi! and happy birthday!) everyone in One28 really misses you! we're praying for you. see you soon!

    barbara moore

  2. I'm not sure John will ever understand the gift he has been given - none of us really appreciate our families like we should, and for me trying to thank God for giving me my family is like trying to thank Him for salvation. No matter what, John will remember this day forever.
