
What Can I Say?

After posting "So Stupid" last night our door bell rung at 10 and one of the people who already has given above and beyond came over and dropped off an entire donkey. Now I am not only stupid, but I am dumb founded.

It was hard for me to get to sleep, which is very unusual for me.

God does work in the craziest of ways and He is impossible to keep up with. I like to be the one who is ahead of the giving curve and try to think of unique and surprising way to bless people, but God is infinitely better at this game than I am.

I was talking to Michelle the other day and Kingdom Kids has a financial need, that I will not go into details about, because that would blow God's cover when He provides in some crazy way. I told her about Anne story. She was told that her insurance was not going to cover her chemo therapy sessions, which were $60K each, because the new chemo was not FDA approved. Through a crazy string of "Only God" events, a friend offered to allow she and and her husband to use his entire portfolio so they didn't have to sell their house to pay for the treatments. In the end, the insurance company president called her at midnight his time and told Anne that they would cover all of it. That was the really short version.

Michelle told me that we should pray, but maybe we could get the number of the guy with the big portfolio and ask him to help. The awesome part is that we who are His children already have the number of the One with the big portfolio. Not only that, He is intimately acquainted with our situation and His portfolio never is depleted. We just need to ask and wait on Him to do His will in our lives. Please pary that God would provide for KKAM for this need.

Sometimes He answers in a totally different way than we are thinking and sometimes He makes us wait much longer; maybe that is so there is no other way out except His way. In whatever form the answer comes we need to make sure we are thankful for His care and that we give Him the glory for working on our behalf.

Imagine what kind of financial issues you would be contemplating if you had Bill Gates as a dad. My car needs new tires and I don't really have money set aside to cover that. I need a couple hundred dollars. Maybe I'll ask dad. I wonder if he would mind giving me a couple hundred bucks. I just asked him last month to give me $300. Maybe I'll get another part time job instead of asking him. I don't want to be a burden to him, he gives me stuff all the time.

Oh but wait- his portfolio is in the billions and he gives to people all over the world by the hundreds of millions, so I guess $200 is not too much to ask.

Oh but wait- our Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. In His "account" is the entire universe. He provides for every living creature on the planet and I am His child. He sends rain on the evil and the good. He allows people to succeed and fail and only He can make someone prosper in their way. Maybe I should just ask Him and quit worrying about it. Humm.

It seems so clear when you write it, but why do we always go through those kinds of exercises in our minds before we ask Him? He wants to take our burdens away. He wants to be our Only Hope of delivery. He wants to treat His children in the most amazing way, but we seem to always be trying to work it out ourselves before we "burden" Him. It is no burden for Him; it His delight to be THE Provider.

You can probably tell I hit a nerve, with myself, as I am writing. God's funny like that.

So trust Him with your cares and concerns and watch Him work. No I mean really watch. You will be amazed as you step back and watch Him line out every single detail, even the ones you didn't even know were part of the puzzle.

Ps. 31:19Oh, how abundant is your goodness,
which you have stored up for those who fear you
and worked for those who take refuge in you,
in the sight of the children of mankind!

Notice He does this goodness in the sight of the children of mankind. Unlike us, He does all He does to be glorified. He wants and deserves to be lifted high. He is the best and He is jealous about His glory. We should not only give it to Him, but we should delight to make His deeds known to all the people. His praise should continually be on our lips, because we can't stop thinking about all that He has done on our behalf.

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