
Please Join Us

In the Gospels Jesus taught the disciples about fasting. It was not that the had never considered fasting because they had certainly heard of fasting from Ezra, Nehemiah, Ester, and David, Jeremiah, Joel and Daniel, to name a few. Jesus was telling them "When you fast", not IF you fast." Jesus made the assumption that they would fast. He was just going to give them some guidelines to follow in the times they were fasting.

The Pharisees heaped up extra burdens so that no one could possibly keep up with all they we trying to require, like fasting 2 times a week. Is this what God required of them; fast 2 times a week? On the other side of this coin is "Is my fasting null and void if anyone knows I am fasting?"

For sure Jesus is expecting us to fast when we are coming into a situation that requires much of God's work to be done on our behalf. We can demonstrate to God that we are serious about our endeavor if we not only pray fervently, but also fast. Jesus fasted. The disciples fasted. The early church fasted when they were making decisions that were crucial, or when they were sending someone out on some missionary journey. Do you think their instruction was, "Don't let anyone know that you are fasting"? I think many of the people that were close to them not only knew they were fasting, but were fasting along with them.

Jesus teaches us that we are not to go around looking like we are fasting, trying to get attention for our fasting. Don't walk around acting like you're starving and when some one asks " are you ok?" tell them, "Oh I am fasting". Jesus' point is that we will fast and people may find out that we are fasting, but don't try to show off your spirituality by broadcasting that you are fasting, so you can get "spiritual points" like the Pharisees.

Jesus is not telling us to stop fasting, as much as "stop acting like the Pharisees who do everything to be seen by men". It is ok to be seen by someone, but don't fast for the sake of being seen. Don't fast as some religious calisthenic to show off how spiritually fit you are, like some sort of spiritual push up contest, "I fasted for xx days- what about you?"

With that being said I would like you to consider fasting at some point in time from now until we return from Ethiopia. We will physically be in Ethiopia from the 22nd-the night of the 28th, but doing this before we leave is also perfectly ok.

I will not tell you what my fasting plans are or what yours should be. I will tell you that it may be difficult to skip a meal, or meals, but Jesus was expecting that we would fast about something, and Jesus was more than a little concerned for those who can not help themselves. He literally came to earth because He was so concerned about those who could not help themselves-sinners.

The kids we are going to see on our trip have probably never known a time when their bellies were full more than a day or two in a row. For us, "starving" is when it is 2 o'clock and our normal time to eat is noon.

This will not connect our hearts more with the Father, as He sees our seriousness about this undertaking, but it will also help us to relate to the people pf Ethiopia. Can you imagine the idea of "normal" being that each section of the family only gets to eat every 3rd day? The reason they don't sit down to eat together, as a family, may be because there is often not enough food to feed the entire family at one time; not that both parents are working late tonight to get a bigger ....

So, please join me in fasting either for a meal/meals and pray in that time that;

God would allow us to be used by Him in some way.

We would have our eyes opened and our hearts prepared to see and understand what He would have for us.

We would be an encouragement to other believers while we are away- both here and over there.

In our going others may desire to go, or help go, as well.

Our affections would be hot for God and our view would be increased as we see what He would have us to see.

While we are there we will be able to share the Truth of God's love to those who need to hear the Gospel and maybe they will "hear it for the first time" because they are seeing it lived out. Everyone needs the Gospel- even and especially believers. We need to preach the Good News to ourselves everyday, and we need to live the Gospel so others will see what The Gospel does.

God's will would be done in our lives as it is continually being done in Heaven and that His name would be high and lifted up.

Those who have given sacrificially would be blessed by our Father who gives back in ways we can't even imagine.

We would grow closer to Him as we see ourselves in the eyes of the orphans. We, who are saved, were all once orphans BUT GOD adopted us into His family. Jesus, our Big Brother, not only loves us but He laid down His life for us, so that we could come into the family,

We learn what God would have us to learn and that we will be able to convey the need to those interested in helping when we return.

We would have wisdom and discernment to know if this is a good fit for our youth ministry to take a short term missions trip here.

God would be glorified in using these tools that are not sharp and are broken down and old. That He would delight to give increase as we decrease.

We are not the heroes of this story and our desire is that God would be pleased with our offering of ourselves as we go. Please pray, and fast-if you are so lead- to that end.

If you would like to add something to this list feel free to post a comment.

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