
More news on the Herd

Is. 58 is full of promises, from God, to those who desire to help the poor, needy and afflicted. God's desire is that we be looking for opportunities to meet the needs of others who are being taken advantage of by evil people, or who just plainly can't help themselves. In this passage we are His hands and feet and He expects us to do something, whatever that might be.

For sure our trip is not going to cure the starvation problem in Ethiopia, but by God's grace and many people' sacrifice, we can at least do something. "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin". Jn. 4:17. Jesus is not asking us to cure all the world's problem; He is the only One who can do that. He is simply telling us to do the right thing when He gives us the opportunity. Here is another example of God's amazing work in the lives of those around us.

One of our students came to me yesterday and told me "I just got my paycheck and would like to donate the entire check to buy donkeys."

I am completely blown away. So many people, who often don't have much themselves, are sacrificing so much for the poor. There are many things young people can purchase with their money today and they decided to give the entire check. WOW!

I am having a hard time comprehending what God is going to do on this trip. I am feeling the weight of making sure that my heart is right before Him because with this kind of sacrifice on some many other's part, what does He plan to do. I certainly don't want to be the one who grieves the Holy Spirit and diminish His working through so many here.

Currently, we have to be close to 20 donkeys-maybe more, though I am not the one keeping the tally on what has come in; that is Kimmy. We are supposed to have money to us by Sunday, so it will be fun to watch God work the next few days. We just have to have the money over to Spokane soon so they can call ahead and have the social workers working on the selection process before we arrive and have the proper number of donkeys ready for pickup.

Please start to pray with us that God would work mightily through our weakness. That He would be most glorified because of the work HE is doing in lives both here and there. That Teresa and I would have our hearts knitted closer to Him as we watch Him work. That our hearts would be appropriately moved and our vision expanded. That God would show off His greatness in such amazing ways and that we would be able to recount these things to everyone around us and that His great name would be lifted high in the hearts of His people and even the minds of the ungodly. That the world would have to sit up and take notice of how great our God is because there would be no other explanation except for God doing the work.

We are not praying for safety, because God is in complete control and maybe He doesn't want us to be safe. Maybe He wants to take us somewhere we have never been before and show the world His power in some crazy way. I am not trying to put us in harms way, but after Grant's event I am not convinced that the safe way is the way that God always has us going. May He be glorified in us as we trust completely on Him.

So pray that His will would be done in our lives and that we would rejoice as He works in and through us, whatever that may look like. Easy-ish to write, much harder to do when the time comes. He is AMAZING and we are privileged to be His servants.

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