
Finally back to posting

While away I added my thoughts to the computer and now have put them in for you to read. I did this differently than normal, as I want you to be able to start on the first day and read down the week. So, just keep scrolling down until you have finished the trip.

I really am serious about having people over for dinner, or whatever, so you can ask us questions and you are able to see more clearly what is going on in Ethiopia.

We pray that God would call some to adopt and some to help in other ways so we can, each one, fulfill the purpose He has for us. Don't ignore the Holy Spirit's calling on your heart to move. God is big and somehow He will provide for you everything that you need to complete the task He has called you to do. But, you have to step out in faith and trust Him. If we don;t trust Him we are sinning and we put ourselves in His place, as we think we know what is best.

I certainly do not have all the answers about the subject by going there for a week, but I have some and we would love to help you in whatever way we are able.

Pray that God would work mightily in your own heart and in the heart of others that His work may be carried out by His servants.


  1. Wow Chich & Teresa!! What a trip you guys had!! AMAZING! Thanks for sharing on your blog! Hey, just wondering how things are going with your adoption from China? We'd love to hear an update!

    Jeff & Chris Butler

  2. Uh! of couse that should have been Chuck! LOL

    Chris Butler (again :) )
