
Gift List for Ethiopia

Would you like to help in some way? I told Michelle that our ministry would probably be excited to fill this kind of a list, so here is your opportunity. I will need to have all this to me by the 13th of Sept. so we can pack it up and take it with us. Please LMK what you would like to bring so I can check it off of the list.

Also, if you are able and would like; there is a donkey and goat program in Ethiopia and if you want to make a tax deductible donation to Kingdom Kids we will be able to take them to the villages when we are there. Just make sure you fill in all the info and designate what you would like it to go toward.

We can make a difference in the lives of these people, so many miles away. EVERYTHING helps.

Teresa and I only have 200lbs total that we can take and this kind of stuff adds up really fast. So please make sure you are thinking lightweight.

1. The most wonderful thing you could take if at all possible is a laptop computer to leave with Getachew-(Ge-Ta-Cho), our director over there. Electricity is available on a very sketchy basis.While sending email messages at an internet cafe, if the electricity suddenly goes off and my messages have been lost, it can be discouraging. If he had a laptop he could write the messages on and then put them on a thumb drive and easily send them from an internet cafe quickly and if the electricity went off he wouldn't lose his messages. It could be a used computer. Just make sure it can run on 220 voltage.

2. Cloth diapers - about 4 dozen. Also plastic pants in sizes NB to 18 months. Also diaper pins. Fuzzy buns?

3. Baby formula - very important! We can use any brand, any kind, but it needs to be the powdered kind.

4. Flashlights and batteries! They will be used often because every other day there was no electricity. The orphanage used candles which seemed dangerous. All the staff coveted my flashlight, which I left with them. Several small flashlights with extra batteries would be wonderful. LED is probably better as the batteries last much longer. Rechargeable batteries would be really nice. Also, small camping lights. Think some light, rechargeable and light weight.

5. Ten crib sheets - you can buy them from thrift stores for about $1 each.

6. Ten waterproof crib mattress protectors.

7. Fifteen twin fitted sheets - we only need the bottom sheets, the fitted ones. You can easily buy them at a thrift store. Also pillow cases. Get at a thrift store.

8. Multiple copies of the same Bible stories coloring book - 40 to 50 copies. They can teach the s/s lesson to all the kids at the same time.

9. Some simple puzzles, no more than 30 pieces. Can be the kind that comes in a cardboard frame or can be the kind in a box. Please make sure all the pieces are there.

10. Items for the teacher. Boxes of 24 crayons, child scissors, pencils, little pencil sharpeners, glue sticks, watercolors, rulers, colored pencils, pencil pouches, construction paper. The kids will be thrilled with these things! 50 or so would be plenty.

11. Maybe a few games that don't require English. I think they could learn UNO, and a Memory game, and maybe something like Chutes and Ladders. If there is room they would love Duplos (I think these would be better for them than Legos). Also baby/toddler toys without batteries, and maybe some jump ropes. The girls love to jump.

12. Deflated soccer balls with a pump to blow them up.

13. Children's Bible story books with lots of pictures - might be able to get used.

14. An Ipod loaded with sermons for the chaplain. He does understand English and Michelle said he would be thrilled to have this. It doesn't have to be new, just working well and have all the charging equipment. A variety of speakers would be great.

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