
New Date

I was on a site that supports adoptive parents get through the process and understand what may be coming along the way.

I was looking at the support courses and noticed that they have a seminar to aid in adopting older children. I thought this would be good to take but since it is in Spokane, the other side of the state, and I don't get there very often, this would be difficult.

My parents are getting older and it is difficult for them to do all thy would really like to do with regard to work around their home. My sister has arranged a work party to go help them and it is this coming week. They live just north of Spokane. This party has been on my calendar for quite some time.

So as I am reading about this seminar and seeing that they only hold it 4 times a year I just briefly prayed, "Lord, if you want us to go make it coincide with when we will already be in Spokane or I will take that as a open door for this seminar".

I go to the page that has the dates for the seminar and in red letters, "new date". The new date is this weekend. Literally the only time that we could be there. I asked about the new date and they told me that the old date conflicted with a big event in the Spokane area and so they changed it to this one.

We have seen God work personally in so many areas of our lives. It is amazing that He can control every rain drop, every breath of wind, gravity and the galaxies and yet He intimately cares for our every need.

So we are off to Spokane for a seminar. Pray that God would continue to work things out along the way, as there is a long way to go from where we are.

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO glad it was His will for you guys to be at this class!! It was a joy to get to meet you guys & spend time with you! Can't wait to hear more to your adoption journey!

    Jeff & Chris
