
Massive and Personal

We have our home study scheduled for next week. This is new territory for us, but apparently the home study worker comes out and helps us through the paperwork jungle but also evaluates our family and tries to determine if we are a good fit for the adoption process. We have a busy few days ahead.

I would ask you to pray that doors would continue to open; or close if that is His will,
funds would continue to be provided,
God would work in all of our hearts that we might know this is His perfect plan for us,
God would be working in "Vince's" heart even now drawing him to Himself,
we would delight in God alone and trust Him to do what is best,
He would make it clear to us what our next step is.
He must get the glory in all this, as He is the One who has put all things together.

It is so good to be under His care, to know that He is sovereign and He knows what is best for us. I can't imagine not having this fortress to run to, not having the Fountain to be cleansed in and drink deeply from. He knows I am dust, He has knitted all that I am together with all that Teresa is and each one of our children and now He is apparently knitting another young man into our family who will bring his own strengths and weaknesses, his own fears and experiences into the mix and all together we make up 1 family that God has chosen to minister to the world. How can we not be excited about something that big and yet so personal?

It just came to my mind that I have been consciously trying to write this blog more generic, not so spiritualized. The reason I was doing that is that I know there will be people who read this who are not believers and I want them to go through the process along with us. But I can't do that; it just comes out. I think that is a good thing.

I was just going to say that my heart has been so overflowing with excitement as I watch Him direct each step, each sermon I listen to, each person I talk to; it's awesome how good He is.

1 comment:

  1. We'll pray for you, escpecially this week. We'll look forward to your next update on how things went. The paperwork can be daunting, but take it one at a time. Be encouraged!! Remember us on Friday - our court date!!
    Love, SJ
