
Circus Act

I am back full swing into work, after 20 days away there are plenty of emails and phone calls to catch up on. The kids are either working or in school, so that leaves T with John together most of the time.

She is trying to get him into a routine doing things like unloading the dishwasher and helping around the house. All this is probably pretty new to him, as I can only imagine that life in the orphanage was much different than it is here, but he must integrate into life in our family.

Many kids are in the house, so it will not be too long and he will be seeing people for the 3-4th time and hopefully get used to talking with them- right now he has to be coerced into engaging in pretty much any communication unless it is with his friends on the computer. T is going to start giving him a time limit.

Yesterday Kimmy and Garrett were going to work on a puzzle before dinner and I had not yet come home. They invited John to participate and he reluctantly came to the table, but then Grant, unknowingly, came to his rescue. Remember John and Grant are kind of alike- though there is 16" of height difference- in that they both would rather not say anything. Grant ordered some throwing knives last week and he has a little target set up in the back yard. He decided to go out and throw and as soon as John saw an opportunity to get away from either doing the puzzle or being around the 2 chatter boxes, or both, he was quickly out the door and throwing with Grant. That may not be what the social worker would want to hear, but this is the life of our family:) Are we training a future circus performer?

Teresa is trying to get appts. set up, insurance updated, and a myriad of other paperwork issues taken care of, while still trying to catch up on letters and bills and housework after her being gone for 20 days as well. We are trying to decide what to do on the school front and so we have some calls to make and people to consult to make sure we make the best decision for all parties involved.

Another pretty boring day, but I guess we need some boredom on some front.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that things are starting to take on a "normal" routine! Your story is still so amazing to me - God is so very faithful!!
    Sara Lang
