
What's going on with our Process?

I have purposefully left the last post on top for a long time in hopes that many would add their stories and "Thank you" to those who have done that.

Just a little update on where we are on our process. We have our home study completed-finally- and we are now starting the I800 form, which is a whole bunch of paper work that Teresa is really knocking out. This will all have to be completed and then we have to take it to Olympia to finalize it. Then finger prints and...

Last week I told the agency that it didn't seem like we had done that much paper work yet and really just had to answer a bunch of questions and wait. She told me that since the HS was completed that now was the time when we were going to have to do lots of paperwork. So here we go. If you have helpful hints about this process feel free to comment, as it seems like there are those, other than just us, who can benefit from your insight into these things.

Please be praying for "Vince" as I don't think if he knows yet and if he understands the process in China he may be getting discouraged at his chances of having a home. Also, pray that God would already be working in his heart, drawing him to Himself. It is amazing to think that God can work right now in his heart even when he may not be getting any Biblical teaching. There is a God shaped hole in each one of our hearts and God can make us see that it is empty whenever He wants. Pray that he would feel the great need he has.


  1. Hi Chuck,

    You just have to take that big stack of paperwork and the "to do" list one day at a time. It can seem very overwhelming looking at it as a whole. My husband was working a lot, as much overtime as he could, to get added money together so it was my job to do the paperwork. I spent 3 months driving 3 kids around going from doctor's offices, to sheriff's offices, to the Secretary of State's office, etc and made sure I had plenty of suckers in my purse to keep my youngest one busy as we waited in all of those places. I really looked at it as my mission to get my little boy home, and had this drive to get as much done as I could every day. I struggled with anxiety during that process, but God grew me so much as the errands and paperwork got smaller and smaller.

    I will never forget the night before we left to fly to China, my parents were sitting in our living room (there to watch our kids while we were gone) and my dad sharing with me how all of my hard work and planning had come down to the next day. It felt so good. Like I never thought I would get to that point but by God's help we did. What a learning process it all was...all those documents.

    I remember God using that time to show me the lengths He went through to rescue ME. And as I went through all of papers that needed to have the Secretary of State's seal attached to them, I remember thinking, that this reminded me of the gospel as well. China did not recognize any of that paperwork as worthy unless that seal was attached to the front of it. It reminded me of how God looks at me, worthy only because of His Son.

    Taking things one day at a time, with each day being graced anew by a loving God, and lots of prayer. That's my best advice.


  2. Thanks Kim,
    Teresa is in the same spot as you are, she just doesn't need to take around any suckers- since the kids drive themselves around:)

    She will be very encouraged with your comment. It is difficult to know if you're doing this particular paper the way it was supposed to be done and "I hope this is all that they need" when you are sending this package off.

    Thanks again.
