
Hard News

Much happened yesterday but one of the big things is that the agency that I posted about on the 13th decided yesterday that they were not going to work with KKids.

Hard news to hear but God has a plan and it is way bigger than I can imagine. Please pray for all who are involved that they would trust Him to care for these children and that He would provide for this situation exceedingly, abundantly.

Much is happening on this front and He must work in an amazing way for this all to work out. This is certainly not beyond His control or out of the scope of His power, we must take all things to Him in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chuck!

    We are praying for KKids! This is discouraging news, but as you say, God is still in control! Just hope it gets worked out soon, for all the kids!
    Hope you guys are doing great!

    Chris & Jeff
