
Scaredy Cat

John likes Steve- our cat. Yes, our cat's name is Steve. That is another story for another day.

Steve is a large cat- more than 15 pounds. He might be where they coined the term "scaredy cat". He is afraid of lots of things- in fact right now he doesn't even want to go outside, even when it is nice out.

Apparently John was chasing Steve around the house yesterday after school and Steve ran up the stairs on the bonus room side of the house. They had been playing for quite some time and Steve was tired- it's hard running around when you're fat and out of shape(a little biographical comment there).

So Steve is recovering from all this running around and John sneaks up on him and yells really loud. Steve jumps up and poops all over the floor. John scared the c--- out of Steve. Teresa thought that was hilarious but told John that if he was going to scare the cat from now on that he would have to clean up after him.

Just another day in the life of our crazy family- John is fitting right in.

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